Skilled Trades

5 Must-Have Constructions Skills to Land a Job

To many people, working in construction seems like a simple career that requires little training to get started. If you’ve ever worked on a construction site, you’ll know better. Regardless of what different people think, it is a fact that working in construction is a physically and mentally demanding job. A construction career, like any other employment, requires a specific set of talents, especially if you need to find work quickly. So, if you’re looking for a job, here are five skills you must have. 1. Endurance It should come as no surprise that physical strength and, more crucially, endurance are required if you want to work in the construction industry. This is a physically demanding job, and if you want to stay in it, you’ll need considerable strength and stamina. Someone might argue that there are jobs in the same industry where you don’t have to carry anything or do any heavy lifting. As true as that may be, 50 percent of construction work need heavy lifting, so you can’t fully rule out the possibility of being called upon to assist. So, if you want to have a shot at finding a job, start building up your strength. 2. Technical Knowledge When it comes to working in the construction sector, having the proper technical and building knowledge is as essential as having stamina and strength. It’s not just about lifting heavy building materials and tools; it’s also about knowing how to do some real-time construction. If you’re ignoring the idea that you need some training, reconsider. If you can’t demonstrate that you have certain talents, you won’t stand a chance against other applications. So, if you’re seeking work, you might as well enroll in a short course and pick up a few new skills to complement what you already know and increase your chances of landing a job. 3. Strong Math and Communication Skills If you think you don’t need any training to get a construction job, here’s why you might think again: you’ll need basic arithmetic abilities. While you don’t have to be a math genius to work in construction, having a basic understanding of the subject is beneficial in landing you a job fast. You’ll need solid math skills to keep track of measurements, calculate building supplies, and make any necessary construction revisions. You will also require the ability to communicate what you know. So, before you

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What Exactly Does an Entry-Level Warehouse Worker Do?

Looking for a job can be stressful, especially if job descriptions are vague and do not detail exactly what the position requires. Such jobs may include any position described simply as “warehouse worker.” The title is often used ambiguously and applies to warehouses for companies and as well as distribution centers. As you seek out a warehouse job, learn exactly what entry-level positions are available, what to expect, and how to grow through the warehouse field. Warehouse Packers One of the more entry-level jobs in a warehouse is a packer. Packers usually take in orders, gather items, and place orders together. The order sizes and available manpower depend on the warehouse. For example, if the warehouse is a distribution center for a large company, you may pack large bulk orders for delivery to individual stores alongside many other packers. If the warehouse is for an online company, the packing duties may include the shipment of specific customer orders. Typically, a packer needs to be in good physical condition to lift, carry, and push items through the warehouse. A bulk of the shift will be spent on your feet. You’ll also need basic computer skills to receive and process a variety of orders. Warehouse Worker The warehouse worker is one of the more general job descriptions you will find in the field. While the packer is more specific, a worker may be used in all elements of a warehouse. During the first couple of weeks, your training will include learning all the various positions within the warehouse. When trucks arrive, you may unload items or load other items onto trucks. You may have cleaning and organizational duties during warehouse off-hours. The duties will vary day by day as you work under a manager. Like the packers, the worker will likely be

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3 Tips for Those Considering a Skilled Trades Career

Perhaps you plan to graduate high school soon and aren’t certain college is the right path for you. Or, maybe you are in a dead-end job and want to find a career you can love. Whatever your case may be, learn about three tips for considering the skilled trades sector.

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