Avoid These Mistakes That Could Derail Your Job Search

The job search period is probably the hardest time for most people’s careers. The market is highly competitive and requires you to conduct extensive research, prepare multiple resumes and cover letters, perfect your interviewing skills, and put in a lot of hard work to get an edge over the competition. Despite all the effort into […]

How Many Years Back Should Your Resume Go?

Your resume is your primary tool for showcasing your talents and experience to potential employers. As such, you want the resume to offer a detailed overview of the skills you’ve developed throughout your professional career and any certifications or qualifications demonstrating your commitment. However, as much as you want your potential employer to be aware […]

Employee Retention: 4 Strategies for Keeping Your Top Talent

Retention is a business’s ability to keep employees and reduce turnover. The most effective way to improve employee retention is to refine your retention strategies. Having a well-established employee retention strategy provides a competitive advantage. The ability to retain top talent — even in tight hiring markets — may allow companies to operate more efficiently […]

Avoid These Job Reference Mistakes To Avoid To Increase Chances Of Landing Your Dream Job

Including job references in your resume puts you ahead in the job application process. Your references are a way to vouch for your experience, qualifications, and professional achievements. However, despite the power behind this resume section, most job seekers tend to give references little to no thought. Even the slightest mistake in your references can […]

5 Ways to Boost Your Confidence Before Interviews

Most Americans find interviews challenging. If you haven’t interviewed in a while or you haven’t done many interviews, this challenge only becomes harder. One thing that can help you find success in your upcoming interviews is to develop the right amount of confidence in yourself, in what you have to offer, and in being the […]

How Temporary Work Can Help You Build Skills Employers Want

Working with a staffing service can be just a paycheck, or it can be more. Your time in temporary employment positions is actually an excellent opportunity to build skills that employers today are looking for. What are some of these skills? And how can temporary work help you grow yours? Discover a few of the […]

Want to Join the Great Resignation? 5 Ways Staffing Services Help

For many American workers, the pandemic and its consequences have made the prospect of quitting your job not only possible, but desirable. However, before you rush out and join what’s being called the Great Resignation, consider the value of working with a staffing agency as you prepare for this serious and life-changing move. Here are […]

5 Ways Temporary Staffing Helps Older Workers at a Crossroads

As you age, your role in the workforce may become more confusing. While some workers reach the pinnacle of career success in their 50s and 60s, others find their career has languished and they want (or need) something new. You may have reached an obstacle to further growth or grown tired of doing the same […]

Considering Your First Employee? 5 Reasons to Start With Temporary Workers

Does your small but growing business need to hire help? This stage in any small business’s life cycle is a delicate time. You need to keep up with demand and encourage growth, but you also likely still have a tight budget and are new to many aspects of being a business owner.  Before you rush […]

5 Ways Your Company Benefits From a More Diverse Workforce

As you bring in new workers, you undoubtedly want the most qualified individuals without breaking your payroll budget. And one way to help ensure that you get that talented workforce and improve your company’s effectiveness is to hire a diverse mix of employees. Why does diversity in hiring matter? Here are some ways it benefits […]