6 Tips for Finding a New Job

Finding a new job can be daunting and overwhelming in the increasingly competitive labor market. However, preparing adequately for a job search can make the process less challenging and strenuous. Whether you are hunting for a new job, looking for a side hustle, or changing your career to get a better fit, these six tips will make the job search more effortless and fun.

1. Determine What You Want

The first step in any successful job search is to identify the type of job you would like. Your qualifications, strengths and weaknesses, passion, and experience can help you determine the best job for you.

When you know what you want, you streamline your job search and increase the probability of getting a job that offers greater satisfaction. Also, take time to identify what you want for the new job. Is it the pay, title, career advancement opportunities, location, or corporate culture?     

2. Network Regularly

Nowadays, more and more companies hire employees without formal advertisement. Referrals have become a superior method of hiring, and with good reason. Research shows that 88% of employers use referrals to get superior job candidates.

As such, it pays to network regularly, both in-person and online, for your job search. You could end up with a referral to job that you have always desired. If you know someone working for your dream company, you can ask them to refer you in case of an open position. Also, consider asking friends and family for referrals at their workplace.

3. Create a Strong Resume

Your resume is an essential tool in your job search. You can create a strong resume that will land you a good job in several ways. First, your resume should be appealing, easy to read, and concise. Second, rather than including a list of responsibilities on your resume, focus on your accomplishments. List quantifiable achievements related to the job you are seeking.

Third, do not create a generic resume; tailor your resume to every position you apply for. You should include phrases used in the job description in your resume to position yourself as an excellent fit.  

4. Use Online and Offline Search Resources

In the current digital age, you may be tempted to rely on online job search resources only, such as job boards, social media, company websites, and professional associations. However, use offline search resources too to diversify your job search. You should reach out to specific organizations in person, use a staffing company, attend career fairs, and utilize print media.

5. Be Wary of Your Social Media

Ninety percent of employers consider social media activity when evaluating job candidates. Subsequently, during your job search, beware of your social media posts. Review your privacy settings, and ensure that you don’t post anything that could compromise your job search.

Your social media activity could be the reason you are denied a job. Seventy-nine percent of HR professionals have denied applicants a job because of inappropriate social media content.

6. Prepare for Interviews

As you wait for a potential employer to contact you, practice interviewing to prepare for the actual interview. Familiarizing yourself with common interview questions and the best responses for them is an excellent place to start. You can request that a friend or interview coach help you practice the questions. This way, you will be more prepared and confident during an interview and increase your chances of success.  

Searching for a job can be daunting and stressful. You may have to attend dozens of interviews and send out hundreds of resumes before you get your ideal job. The six tips outlined above can make the job searching experience less daunting and more successful. Importantly, maintain a positive attitude and outlook. To learn more about job hunting, contact us.

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